You are standing at the edge of the forest. You see a path leading deep into it. The trees cover the blue sky but you still hear the birds singing. You feel excited. You take the first step not knowing what’s waiting for you. You feel the soft moss and hard branches under your feet. What will you see next – just wait.
I felt the exact same way when I cut out and designed my first coolawoola. I run to the seamstress as fast as I could because I was curious what would come of my idea.
3 years have passed. I have the first coolawoola to this day. It’s deeply red with shades of orange in it. It resembles a burning torch. A soft fire that will keep me warm. I wear it whenever I feel in need of that special creative power, whenever I need a hug or support. I wear and I know that the burning spark will transfer onto me.
I’m wearing it right now as I write this text to you.
I’m educated to be an interior designer and a dance teacher.
Dance and design? I have come to realize that designing is a strong family tradition. Modern dance is a way to express yourself. I’ve learned how to combine the two. My way of thinking and my passion for dance were the reason for my university dissertation in which the walls move along with the human.
When it comes to sewing I have my mum to thank for that, she prepared me for it. Since I was a child I was surrounded by sewing machines, needles, thread and lots of fabrics of different colours and textures. My sister and I used to collect fabric pieces and buttons, and then organize them. However, we were most excited when “the Ladies” would come in the evenings and try on their wedding dresses.
I love that my brand coolawoola poses a challenge. Each coolawoola is eco-friendly, extremely soft and made with recycled wool. Made with attention to detail it makes clients feel special and excited. Sometimes I tell the story how my first coolawoola was born out of passion for dancing and soft movements. Can you remember the feeling of when your skirt flows in the air around you? This is it. That’s the feeling of a coolawoola. Full of admiration for movement.
I’m dancing when I’m designing. I move across the floor in my workshop, I look through my wools, I tidy up, I make a mess. When I’m choosing the colours I play with fabrics and I combine different textures – I get lost in the process.
Often I have to decide what fabric will be dedicated for what product. It’s fascinating and very pleasant, when I have to go through my fabrics daily to find just the right colour and texture for my next project. I’m more and more convinced that wool has some kind of healing properties. Working with it makes me feel calm. Check out my collection and tell me ( which coolawoola inspired you!
Lena Majewska
Designer / Owner of coolawoola